the Wanna Bes - Saturday Night (7")
John Cougar Concentration Camp - Victoria's Secret Sauce (7")
The Impulse International - Saturday Suzie (7")
The Loblaws - Won't Stop (7")
Teen Sensation Glasses - Focused (CD)
Sold out
Rock'n'Roll Television - Stuck On My Mind (SRCD)
Sold out
Grimetime - Hold On (SRCD)
The Connie Dungs - I Hate This Town (7")
The Connie Dungs ‎– Eternal Bad Luck Charm (CD)
After School Special - Wrong (Emergency Sleeves) (7")
Sold out
The Connie Dungs - Turntable (SRCD)
Sold out
The Peabodys - Are Chick Repellent (SRCD)
The Sensibles - Six Scoops (SRCD)
Sold out
The Proteens - Professional Teenagers EP (SRCD)
Sold out
The Chromosomes - I Love This Sound (SRCD)
Sicko - A Brief history Of (CD)
the Connie Dungs - Self-titled (CD)
The Connie Dungs – Songs For Swinging Nice Guys (CD)
Teen Sensation Glasses - Fuzzy (CD)
Dirt Bike Annie - Live Jersey City 2000 (SRCD)
Sold out
The Mitochondriacs - Antonymous Mitochondrial Release (SRCD)
The Fabhabs - All I Know (SRCD)
Sold out
Werecats - Are a Very Colorful Band (SRCD)
Billy Boloby - Time (SRCD)
The Frantics - Downtown Delirium (7")
Sicko - Three Tea (7")
Ruth's Hat - Bye Bye Love (CD)
The Kung Fu Monkeys - Schools Out... (CD)
Egghead - Dumb Songs for Smart People (CD)
Carter Peace Mission – Disco Stu Likes Disco Music (CD)
Dirt Bike Annie ‎– Hit The Rock! (CD)
Handgun Bravado - Take Tomorrow (SRCD)
The Hitchcocks -s/t (SRCD)
Vista Blue - Punching In (SRCD)
The Beldons - Fatal Road (SRCD)
Whack-A-Mole - Mole Lested (SRCD)
Mcrackins - Raiding the Hen House (SRCD)
The No Goods - Better Than Beer (SRCD)
Ded Buds - Raid in The Bug House (SRCD)
The Automatics - Abridged (SRCD)
The Pullouts - A Lot Of Power Tool In A Little Space (7")
Everready - Kalifornia (7")
The Peabodys -Dilemma (7")
The Catalogs (7")
Boris The Sprinkler - [She Digs My] New Wave Records (7")
Automatics - Karaoke Party (7")
Slacker - Covering The Bases (7")
Automatics - Ten More Golden Greats (7")