Mutant Pop CD
Sicko - A Brief history Of (CD)
Ruth's Hat - Bye Bye Love (CD)
The Kung Fu Monkeys - Schools Out... (CD)
the Connie Dungs - Self-titled (CD)
the Mute Ants - The Terrible tunes of... (CD)
Egghead - Dumb Songs for Smart People (CD)
Carter Peace Mission – Disco Stu Likes Disco Music (CD)
Dirt Bike Annie – Hit The Rock! (CD)
Attention Deficit – Adventures In Laissez-Faire Economics (CD)
The Connie Dungs – Songs For Swinging Nice Guys (CD)
The Connie Dungs – Eternal Bad Luck Charm (CD)
Teen Sensation Glasses - Fuzzy (CD)
Teen Sensation Glasses - Focused (CD)